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Two part models

The input arguments for the resid_2pm() function differ from those of other functions in assessor package. Specifically, users can utilize this function with either models or Probability Integral Transform (PIT) as input.

For instance, in evaluating the distribution assumptions of a two-part model that combines a logistic and a gamma regression, you should provide the logistic regression model object as the argument for model0 and the gamma regression model object for model1. We recommend utilizing the model input when assessing a gamma + logistic two-part model. Alternatively, users can directly use the PIT as input if their two-part model is not a gamma+logistic combination. In such cases, users should first calculate the PIT and then input into part0 and part1, respectively.

This function accommodates two combinations: either model0 in conjunction with model1 or part0 in conjunction with part1. Note that it is essential to specify the y (outcome) values in the function arguments.

The underlying model is a two-part model. The probability of zero is \[p_0(\mathbf{X})=\text{logit}^{-1}\left(\beta_0+X_{1}\beta_{1}+X_{2}\beta_{2} \right),\] where \(X_1\) is a standard normal variable, \(X_2\) is binary with probability of one as 0.4, and \((\beta_0,\beta_{1},\beta_{2})=(1,-2,-1)\).
A gamma distribution is employed to generate positive data. The mean function of the positive part is described as \[\lambda_S=\exp\left(\beta_{0S}+\beta_{1S}X_1+\beta_{2S}X_2\right).\] We let \((\beta_{0S},\beta_{1S},\beta_{2S})=(-1,-1,-2)\). The dispersion parameter is set to be 0.5.

n <- 500
beta10 <- 1
beta11 <- -2
beta12 <- -1
beta13 <- -1
beta14 <- -1
beta15 <- -2
x11 <- rnorm(n)
x12 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.4)

p1 <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(beta10 + x11 * beta11 + x12 * beta12)))
lambda1 <- exp(beta13 + beta14 * x11 + beta15 * x12)
y2 <- rgamma(n, scale = lambda1 / 2, shape = 2)
y <- rep(0, n)
u <- runif(n, 0, 1)
ind1 <- which(u >= p1)
y[ind1] <- y2[ind1]
# models as input
mgamma <- glm(y[ind1] ~ x11[ind1] + x12[ind1], family = Gamma(link = "log")) # Gamma regression
m10 <- glm(y == 0 ~ x12 + x11, family = binomial(link = "logit")) # logistic regression

resid.models <- resid_2pm(model0 = m10, model1 = mgamma, y = y)

n <- 500
beta10 <- 1
beta11 <- -2
beta12 <- -1
beta13 <- -1
beta14 <- -1
beta15 <- -2
x11 <- rnorm(n)
x12 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.4)

p1 <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(beta10 + x11 * beta11 + x12 * beta12)))
lambda1 <- exp(beta13 + beta14 * x11 + beta15 * x12)
y2 <- rgamma(n, scale = lambda1 / 2, shape = 2)
y <- rep(0, n)
u <- runif(n, 0, 1)
ind1 <- which(u >= p1)
y[ind1] <- y2[ind1]

# PIT as input
mgamma <- glm(y[ind1] ~ x11[ind1] + x12[ind1], family = Gamma(link = "log")) # gamma regression
m10 <- glm(y == 0 ~ x12 + x11, family = binomial(link = "logit")) # logistic regression

cdfgamma <- pgamma(y[ind1],
  scale = mgamma$fitted.values * gamma.dispersion(mgamma),
  shape = 1 / gamma.dispersion(mgamma)
p1f <- m10$fitted.values

resid.pit <- resid_2pm(part0= p1f, part1 = cdfgamma, y = y)